


Monday, March 14, 2011

2010 - 2011 Division 1 NCAA Wrestling Finals Week

Collegiate Wrestling Championship

To most college students, the third week of March means 'Finals Week' (for those in the quarter system but in the semester system its Mid-Term) but for the winter D-1 collegiate athlete, in particular, a wrestler, the third week means NCAA Division 1 Finals Tournament. However, the first two weeks of March is the grind into making it into the 'the tournament'. Its pretty similar, if not the same concept, as March Madness but for the sport of Wrestling. This year the event is being held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on March 17, 18, and 19. This is the culmination of the 2010-2011 wrestling season and the thought of not winning their respective weight class more or less placing (the accomplishment of being the top 8 in the nation in their weight class) is an utter failure. Consequently, this is what a D-1 NCAA wrestler has looked forward too since the beginning of the season. Being a Cal-Poly San Luis Obispo graduate, I am cheering for the three wrestlers that are representing Cal Poly to win it or accomplish a place. I wish all the wrestlers luck because it is already an achievement to be able to participate in such an event, just like it is an achievement to participate in Basketballs coveted 'March Madness.'

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